Saturday 20 /August at 6:00 pm
Hosted by: Neue Nachbarschaft/Moabit and Moabit Mountain College
With “Lesen am See” we start the reading events dedicated to different voices, approaches to the performed text as a form of knowledge‘s sharing. For the first reading we invited a reading group who focuses on the unique nature of kelps, water bodies, and water itself.
„This session is an invitation to meet at the shore of the lake Tegel to join an interdisciplinary group for a collective reading and listening session. In these hot days of summer, sweating and hiding from the sun, while our riverbeds lay dry and bodies (human and nonhuman alike) are exposed to water scarcity, pollutions, and displacements, we seek out healing knowledges and practices that connect our diverse experiences of living with water as a precious and precarious substance.
Building on our different backgrounds, experiences and projects we dive into texts about bodies of water and bodies in water that will flow together in an attempt to trace hydro–logical cycles, saturations, memories, and water politics followed by a breathing exercise and a discussion open to the public. We invite you to join us in this fluid exploration of wayward waterways, queer algae, and feminist futures.“-Galina Yarmanova, Jahia La Sangoma, Marianna Szczygielska, Marianna Szczygielska, Sybille Neumeyer, Svitlana Shymko.
Registration is not required.
Lesen am See is a part of the two-year collaborative project Artistic Ecologies: New Compasses, Tools and Alliances conceived in collaboration with WHW, Zagreb, the Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten, Amsterdam, and Neue Nachbarschaft/Moabit, Berlin.
Co-funded by European Union and Foundation Between Bridges