In this public conversation with the members of the professorial team and the participants of WHW Akademija Summer School we discussed how we can collectively become and emerge as a temporary collective by being and thinking together. How in educational situations can we co-create supportive environments? How can care and education be emancipatory practices? Marina Naprushkina delivered a short presentation sharing the results of the seminar she held during the WHW Akademija Summer School with the local activist scene and artistic community in Zagreb. Through the open ended format that combined discursive and practical skills the WHW Akademija Summer School open forum functioned as a think tank that includes artists, ecologists and environmental activists, alumni of 3 educational programs by all application partners: students and alumni of WHW Akademija Summer School and two alumni of Rijksakademie and Moabit Mountain College (Pennie Key and Lena Pozdnyakova). This event was of great importance since it served as a platform for the exchange of experiences, familiarization with the local scene and similar initiatives and programs in Zagreb. It opened a possibility of forming new collectives with alumni, new participants of WHW Akademija Summer School, local organisations and local communities. This informal get together was followed by drinks and snacks with the whole line-up of the fifth edition of WHW Akademija Summer School.
Open Forum – “Temporary collective as supportive environment“
Marina Naprushkina
Youth Culture Centre Ribnjak in Zagreb